CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, light touch, non-invasive manipulative technique which releases myofascial restrictions in the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord (which make up the CranioSacral system). Because it acts on the deepest structures and organs of the nervous system, CranioSacral Therapy influences motor, pain and coordination mechanisms, the digestive system, the respiratory system, heart function and the endocrine system. The positive effect of CranioSacral therapy relies to a large extent upon the client’s natural self-corrective physiological activities. The light hands-on approach of the therapist assists the hydraulic forces inherent in the CranioSacral system to improve the internal environment of the body. CranioSacral therapy helps clear the way for our self-healing mechanisms to be more effective so its scope for healing is very wide.

The client lies on the massage couch, on their back, and the release holds are to various parts of the torso, feet and head.

Here is a video that helps to explain how CST works, with nice visuals.

You might consider CranioSacral Therapy for:

  • Alzheimers
  • Autism
  • Bronchial Asthma
  • Coccyx bruising
  • Depression
  • Digestive Problems eg IBS
  • Dyslexia
  • Glaucoma
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Herniated Disc
  • Historically compressed or fractured vertebrae
  • Hyperkinetic children
  • Improvement of Health and Vitality
  • Kyphosis
  • Menieres Disease, Vertigo, Dizziness
  • Morning Sickness
  • MS
  • LDD and ADD
  • Light headedness
  • Lordosis
  • Low Back Pain
  • Lung congestion problems
  • Ovarian Cysts
  • Parkinsons
  • Preparation for and post- surgery especially hysterectomy, laporoscopy, lumbosacral surgery, mastectomy
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Scoliosis
  • Sinus problems
  • Speech and voice problems
  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  • Tinnitus
  • TMJ disfunction


During CranioSacral Therapy the body can spontaneously move as the fascia releases. The therapist goes with the movement, assisting and supporting where necessary. If the restriction was originally due to a physical trauma, it is as if the body needs to  replicate the position in order to release.

SomatoEmotional Release
This is a therapeutic process, the objective of which is to rid your mind and body of the residual effects of past injuries and negative experiences. In brief, these residual effects are where physical forces are put into the body at a time of accident or injury, and are retained rather than naturally dissipated. We call the area of dysfunction where this abnormal energy is ‘stuck’, an  ‘energy cyst’ and these subtly inhibit normal body function in that area. A reasonably healthy body can adapt to and work around these energy cysts, but with time the adaptability loses its effectiveness resulting in symptoms and dysfunctions beginning to appear which become more and more difficult to ignore and suppress.

During SomatoEmotional Release (SER) the therapist locates and holds the area of the energy cyst and when it feels appropriate starts a dialogue with the client. There may be a re-experiencing of the pain, anguish, fear, anger, resentment etc. that was attendant with the original incident. When this type of reaction occurs, it is a very good sign that the treatment is releasing some, if not all of the retained problem, and the client should not try to suppress the pain or emotion, but should concentrate on the memory and try to re-experience it as fully as possible. It is not always a pleasant – and can often be a mystifying – experience, but the results are worth the effort required to complete the process, and the release of an energy cyst is a wonderful feeling.

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